Announcing Our New (Anti) Advice Column! It's with incredible excitement that we are announcing a new column on the (always free!) Circe Substack!
"Embodied: An (Anti) Advice Column" welcomes letters from everyone with a body (that's you!) about anything you and your body may want to explore in depth...a thing that can still be disturbingly difficult to achieve with one's family and friends for many people, especially those living inside bodies that have been marginalized in any way.
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November Newsletter
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Announcing Our New (Anti) Advice Column! It's with incredible excitement that we are announcing a new column on the (always free!) Circe Substack! "Embodied: An (Anti) Advice Column" welcomes letters from everyone with a body (that's you!) about anything you and your body may want to explore in depth...a thing that can still be disturbingly difficult to achieve with one's family and friends for many people, especially those living inside bodies that have been marginalized in any way.